
Kung fu squirrels pull off some serious flying drop kicks in hilarious fight

Flying through the air with legs aimed directly at the opponent, you’d be mistaken for thinking that these squirrels are actually Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

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The squirrels are seen fighting with each other in a park

As they fight, each move is expertly executed, with every kick and punch landing straight in the other squirrels face or belly.

At one point, both squirrels take a bit of a tumble with one landing flat on its back.

The squirrels are seen fighting with each other in a park

The funny photographs were taken by software engineer Aleksandr Khizgilov near San Francisco bay, where he lives.

Alex, 50, said: ” I do very little travelling, so compensate by going out lunchtime near my office with a camera and looking for birds and ground squirrels.

The squirrels are seen fighting with each other in a park

“To capture them fighting takes a lot of patience, luck, proper camera settings – all of which are rarely happening at the same time.

“These images are a tiny fraction of the normal number I take. The majority are either blurred or out of focus or much more boring.

Dua Tupai Kecil Memperlihatkan Seni Bela Diri Seperti Jackie Chan Dan Jet Li – Sains Galeri
The squirrels are seen fighting with each other in a park

“When the timing is great it makes me happy and hungry to capture even more perfectly next time. It is quite rare to capture squirrels fighting like this.”

Dua Tupai Kecil Memperlihatkan Seni Bela Diri Seperti Jackie Chan Dan Jet  Li – Sains Galeri

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