
Giant Humanoid Figure Recorded At 30,000 Feet Altitude by Airplane Passengers

This remarkable discovery was discovered by an aircraft passenger who was traveling through Austria when he noticed the oddest of happenings via the window of his jet.

Since you can see, this is not an average find, as it looks like a giant monster is floating or strolling through the clouds.

You’re not staring at the Pacific Ocean here; you’re looking at 30,000 feet in the air, as this huge beast looks to reign supreme above any other species on Earth at the moment.

The humanoid thing is gigantic in its own right, standing taller than the world’s tallest building, but it’s all a question of perspective, so we can’t say for sure if it’s miles tall or simply a pretty close image of it.

The majority of specialists think that it seems to be a Giant or a Nephilim. According to the ancient Sumerians, these beings were created when the Anunnaki mated with human women, allowing them to have alien traits that humans don’t have.

Some argue that this is only a reflection and that it shouldn’t be considered as proof of aliens or Giants since it is too hazy, but most agree that it is simply too obvious to be taken as anything else.

Is this a gigantic extraterrestrial strolling about in the lower stratosphere of the Earth?

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