
They discover 300 mummies and a new pyramid dedicated to a hitherto unknown Egyptian queen

A team of French and Swiss archaeologists from the University of Geneva discovered the pyramid of a queen, who they didn’t even know existed until now.

Although almost 100 years have passed since the discovery of the tomb of King Tutankhamen , the finds in Egypt do not stop emerging.

Archaeologists in Giza recently made another find that rewrites much of what we know about ancient Egyptian kingship , discovering the existence of a queen named Neith, who had remained unknown for millennia, even to experts.

During excavations carried out in the southern Saqqara region, 30 kilometers south of Cairo, the archaeological mission found a small pink granite pyramid, dating from the New Kingdom period, erected in honor of the monarch.

“It’s amazing to literally rewrite what we know of history, adding a new queen to our records,” said Egyptologist Zahi Hawass.

Egyptian necropolis of Saqqara.

Neith has been named as the Egyptian goddess of war and the patron of the city of Sais. According to the Egyptian Museum, the goddess remained an important figure in Egypt for an extremely long period of time, from the pre-dynastic period until the arrival of the Romans.

Some legends say that he was present during the creation of the world; others list her as the mother of Ra , the sun god, the king of Egyptian deities, and the father of creation.

an archaeological treasure

The pyramid was not the only find, as close to it, archaeologists also found a set of 300 beautiful coffins from the New Kingdom period , mummies, a huge limestone sarcophagus, papyrus documents, statuettes and ceramic amulets believed to be They were used in funeral rituals.

The coffins have individual faces, each one unique, distinguishing between male and female, and are decorated with scenes from the Book of the Dead. In addition, each coffin also bears the name of the deceased, and often shows the Advertisement Four Sons of Horus , who protected the deceased’s organs.

Added to the finding are numerous objects discovered in hidden underground tunnels 20 meters deep under the pyramids near the Egyptian necropolis of Saqqara. The remains of generals and advisers close to Pharaoh Tutankhamen were also found in the place.

The find has surprised archaeologists. Credit: David Dunrrose/Twitter.

Zahi Hawass, who was also Egypt’s Minister of Antiquities, explained that the site contains countless artifacts related to another pharaoh, King Teti, who ruled from approximately 2347-2337 BCE. C., and with his followers, who worshiped him as a god for a thousand years after his death .

It may also interest you: They find the tomb of an Ancient Egyptian general and find the Book of the Dead.

Hawass said the found objects will undergo careful examination, and then they will probably go on display at the Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza, which is scheduled to open next year.

He also indicated that the analysis of the objects could allow archaeologists to understand the origin and content of this new pyramid.

Zahi Hawass at the excavation site at Saqqara.

References: History / Archeology / Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities.

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