
A Rare Seal Shows Its Gorgeous Stripes For The First Time In Years

If no one sees animals for a long time, it is assumed that very few of them are still alive. But that is not the case in this instance.

This ringed bear is only mildly reserved. Everyone was pleased to see her in Washington because of this.

The seal only stayed on the surface long enough to be captured in a few pictures before diving back into the ocean. There are some extremely beautiful pictures that you may use to learn more about this little-known critter.

This year, a striped seal appeared on Long Beach in Washington. These lovely seal recordings are the work of the NOAA Fisheries Service. They claim that this creature was in excellent shape. She unfortunately only left her environment for a brief period of time before returning.

Since there are roughly 400,000 ribbon seals in the North Pacific, they are not actually in danger of extinction. However, because they live in the ocean’s depths, it is rare to witness them.

A seal similar to this last showed up in the country in 2012. When the animal jumped onto the pier next to a Seattle resident, she was completely taken aback. She was subsequently described to LiveScience by a man who works for the USDA Wildlife Service as simply wriggling, dozing, and cooling off a little.

Striped seals do certainly dwell in distant regions, thus little is known about them. There are some aspects that are known, though, such as the fact that there is an airbag between the neck and the right side of the chest, but its precise purpose is unknown. It has been suggested that this aids in their ability to communicate underwater.

Seal sightings are predicted to increase significantly as a result of global warming, however we hope they will spend most of their time in the lovely North Pacific by then. Even if it would prevent us from seeing them, it is still better for them.


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