
Twins who begin communicating just one hour after birth are evidence of an unbreakable bond

A video published shows a pair of newborn twin girls looking like they’re having a conversation as they babble and turn their heads to look at each other allegedly just an hour after being born. Their parents recognized the adorable moment and started filming.

It’s no secret that having babies is a transformative experience that changes everything about your life. As new parents, it can be hard to know what to expect just after birth.

It must’ve been a shock to mom when, just a single hour after being born, her twin girls shared their first conversation together. In this heartwarming video, the two girls share a sympathetic look and start babbling at each other, as if to say: “That was crazy, right? What just happened?”

Not surprisingly, this darling thirty-second clip swept the Internet by storm. It’s clear the viewers are just as shocked as mom was! One viewer shares a funny insight: “We finally did it. We escaped.” “Told you it would work, man.”

Another young mother comments, “How long you been in?” “Oh, nine months.” Others theorized that this early sign of babbling was a sign of how babies learn to speak and develop the muscles of communication later on in life.

Regardless of the cause, we can all agree this moment is adorable and goes to show the special bond that twins have from the first second on.

Video: Newborn one hour old twins have first conversation

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