Drivers in Cʜɪɴᴀ witnessed a giant python hanging from a car while it was moving down a highway, which led to this strange incident.
The gigantic snake can be seen dʀᴀᴘᴇd across the back of a moving vehicle in photos shot on July 3 in Yiyang, Hunan Province. The brave pet snake appeared to have slithered out the window and was moving toward the bumper.
However, the yellow Burmese python slipped off and needed to be saved by the road staff. It was driven to a vet so that minor wounds could be treated.
The snake is unquestionably the car owner’s pet because it was crawling out of the window, according to a driver who was behind the SUV. After the bizarre incident’s video was made public, ᴘᴏʟɪᴄᴇ are now trying to find the car’s owner.
A few months before the incident, a picture of a large python with its last meal still within it caused quite a stir online. The snake was photographed in May inside what seemed to be a shed or garage and had a noticeably distended tummy.
According to Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers, it had consumed a sizable possum. However, a lot of online users pointed out that the snake’s victim seemed to be a lot bigger than a possum.