Lions never let you down. When we are fortunate enough to witness them getting into their lion-mischief, it typically results in a lot of “sit down and grab your popcorn” activity. They always manage to deliver a spectacle.
This most recent instance begins with what initially appears to be a typical lion encounter: Four lions easily knock down a sizable buffalo while taking care to avoid its massive front horns. A curveball is thrown after the buffalo has fallen and appears to be out for the count.
The two males are from one pride and the two females are from a different pride. The two males and two females were both able to make ᴋɪʟʟs when the females drove the herd toward them. The four of them appear happy to eat together, and as they ᴋɪʟʟ the hapless buffalo, there doesn’t seem to be any conflict.
When a female from the male’s pride wants in, everything changes.The males, as predicted, have no issues with their female getting involved, but one of the other females immediately displays little enthusiasm. After a little interval, she approaches the new female and confronts her, at which point chaos ensues. Fortunately, the buffalo manages to stand up and escape, but it is unclear how badly ʜᴜʀᴛ it was.
Lion prides are created around the females in the group, not the males, who enter and leave the pride more frequently than the females, so this struggle is anticipated. A pride’s female members typically do not accept interference from other females, which leads to ғɪɢʜᴛs like this one.