
In Clearwater, Florida, a police officer captured video of an unusual black triangular-shaped UFO.

An eyewitness said,

“I am a law enforcement officer that works for a Florida police agency. On October 4th, about 117 a.m., I saw a wholly black triangular-shaped object traveling at a speed of around 35 mph in the south while I was responding to a report of a suspicious person.

The ship was silent; nothing could be heard from it. As the thing drew near my cruiser, it disappeared behind some trees. I saw a clearing of trees ahead, and it was moving in that direction. I flashed my spotlight on a portion of the item as it went through the forest.

I was unable to continue the craft since I had arrived at the location of a call. After I ended the talk, I looked at the dashcam tape from the time of my arrival and saw the item.

The cameras’ video feed is continuously being recorded and cached. Until they are picked, they are discarded and not stored on the hard disk. I was able to view the incident and a bit of the item as it passed through the trees after watching the video.

My phone recorded the replay from the cruiser’s in-car camera. I blurred the rectangular blur in the upper left corner where my personal identification number had been, out of respect for privacy.


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