
3,600-Year-Old Ancient Giant Hands Found by Archaeologists in Egypt

Manfred Bietak, one of the most reputable Egyptologists and archaeologists have ever known to a man actually made yet another stunning discovery as he was inspecting the newly found Hyksos compound.

This time he strayed a bit farther away from that where he was meant to be excavating as he heard rumors of massive mounds filled with strange fossils near the compound. A few days of inspecting led him to the mounds and as soon as he began digging, he came across several Giant hands.

A total of 16 of them were uncovered here and to everyone’s surprise, they all appear to date back to 3,600 years ago. This not only proves the fact that Giants did exist in ancient times but it also does prove the fact that Egyptians often times fought against them.

We know by now that the act of cutting off the hands of your enemies was considered to be the one way that Egyptian soldiers would make sure that their enemies never fought back again, which does imply the fact that these battles happened quite often and that they often times won.

The Egyptians were extremely good when it came to conquering foreign places so it’s no wonder that they won a lot of these battles, to say the least. Although he originally meant to excavate the ancient city of Avaris, this discovery might actually prove to be even more significant than anything he could have found in Avaris.


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