Earth Is Passing Through A Dark Matter “Hurricane” Right Now

Theoretically, a “hurricane” of dark matter may be passing the Sun and be visible from Earth. Spain’s University of Zaragoza’s Ciaran O’Hare served as the study’s principal investigator….

Descubren un agujero negro voraz

Es el origen de las misteriosas fuentes ultraluminosas en rayos X Tom Russell (ICRAR) /Rob Hynes (Louisiana State University)Simulación de la fuente ultraluminosa ULX P13Hace tres décadas, un…

Astronomers discovered the Milky Way’s ancient heart

There may have been more than one galactic core in the Milky Way’s history, which spans over 13 billion years. That is, at least, what a recent study…

N.A.S.A releases 12-year time-lapse video of the entire sky and its mind-blowing

A stunning 12-year time-lapse video of the entire sky, created by .N.A.S.A, shows how the environment around us has changed. A time-lapse video created by a N.A.S.A satellite…

Un equipo de científicos podría alterar completamente nuestra comprensión del Universo

La teoría ―que reta a la física de Einstein― fue propuesta por primera vez a finales de la década del 1990, pero no ha sido hasta ahora que…

Mysterious blue blobs could be galactic ‘belly flops,’ astronomers say

UArizona astronomers have identified a new class of star system. The collection of mostly young blue stars are seen here using the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for…

Planet spiralling into star may offer glimpse into Earth’s end

An artist’s concept of the Kepler-1658 system. Kepler-1658b, orbiting with a period of just 3.8 days, was the first exoplanet candidate discovered by Kepler. Credit: Gabriel Perez Diaz/Instituto…

NASA makes asteroid defense a priority, moving its NEO surveyor mission into the development phase

Artist’s concept of the NEO Surveyor mission. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech/The Planetary Society There’s an old adage in the engineering field—what gets funded gets built. So it’s sure…

Merging neutron stars trigger strange, long-lasting gamma-ray burst

A newly discovered gamma-ray burst is challenging astronomers’ theories about these powerful cosmic explosions that make gold, uranium, and other heavy metals.By Eleonora Troja, The Conversation, Simone Dichiara,…

Precise FAST observations reveal circular polarization in active repeating fast radio bursts

Artist’s impression of FAST detecting the circular polarization from two active repeating FRBs with PRSs. Credit: Science Bulletin (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.scib.2022.11.014 A research team led by Prof. Li Di from…

We might finally know why Earth’s north magnetic pole is moving

You probably see the North Pole as being at the topmost point on our world, in the center. The North Magnetic Pole, however, has really been steadily relocating…

China develops ‘lobster eye’ telescope to scan the murky depths of the universe

The world’s first “lobster eye” space telescope, which will enable researchers to efficiently record X-ray images of the cosmos, has undergone successful testing in China. The team published…