A herd of buffalos arrives to save a family member from a lion; one lion versus 200 buffalos

Buffalo are well known for their toughness. They lack everything and are large, strong, and aggressive. However, this video shows how brave these creatures are when given the…

Baby deer laying next to mother’s body and sobbing in anticipation of her return

Every day for any animal advocate is filled with reports of missing animals. Additionally, the American volunteers at Wild Florida Rescue are accustomed to what is required of…

Fishermen from Ecuador found the nine-meter “sea monster” on a beach.

A nine-meter-long female whale shark that washed up on a beach not far from the Ecuadorian town of Santa Marianita was the target of a cooperative effort of…

Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Your Pets: This record-breaking giant goldfish was recently caught and weighs the same as a 10-year-old child.

A world record goldfish was caught in Champagne, France, by an angler who dragged a 30-kilogram (67-pound) specimen onto shore. Carp fishery BlueWater Lakes released the behemoth, known…

When threatened, this caterpillar transforms into a poisonous snake.

Ladies and gentlemen, Hemeroplanes triptolemus wins the award for best invertebrate mimicry for its expert impersonation of a venomous snake! Native to the rainforests of the Amazon, the…

The World’s Ugliest Monkey Is Supposed To Bring Bad Luck To Anyone Who Sees Them

The Aye-aye monkey is hunted because of its unattractive look and is thought to be a bad omen. The island of Madagascar is known as the “land forgotten…

To Protect Their Friends, 30 Baboons Confront Crocodiles, And The Conclusion Is Dramatic

Craig Beal shot this amazing view while taking a tour of the Kwando Lebala reserve in Botswana’s Bwabwata National Park. Specifically, while drinking with his fellow humans at…

After being involved in a motorbike accident, a baby elephant was left laying in the middle of the road, gasping for air.

In a truly amazing scene, a Thai rescue worker successfully used CPR on a newborn elephant to bring it back to life. The little was laying drab in…

It’s unbelievable that a gigantic gorilla and its small companion have a special bond.

Many amazing tales of interspecies romances—involving everything from a horse and a dog to a cat and a rhino—have been told to us, and they never cease to…

Horror Monsters Under The Sea: ‘Alien’ Creatures That Suck Blood Pursued A Man To Land

Many people are alarmed by this strange water creature. On Earth, there are many odd creatures, both on land and underwater. You must always be alert since you…

A mutant monster with five eyes was found by Canadians directly above its head.

The Opainia is one of the most bizarre prehistoric animals ever discovered. Paleontologists have discovered some pretty weird animals. Iᴛ is weiгd ᴛo imagine how an animal can…

When a “Two-Headed” snake-like monster was spotted in a woman’s yard in Argentina, she shouted.

Luján Eroles, 46, was strolling through her patio when she spotted this unsettling creature. She then yelled her friends across in shock. The rough skinned creature looked like…