Author: Bevis

Ilya Cascad is a tattoo artist known for his unique style and creativity. Unlike many other tattoo artists, Cascad chooses not to adorn his own skin with tattoos. He believes that his body is a canvas for his clients to express themselves and showcase their own individuality through his art. Instead of using his own body as a means of self-expression, Cascad focuses all of his energy and talent on his craft. He strives to create tattoos that are not only visually stunning but also deeply meaningful to his clients. Cascad sees his work as a way to help people…

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This traditional quiche Lorraine is one of the most filling foods you can eat since it contains smoky bacon, nutty Gruyère, and shallots. When I was in college, I studied abroad in Tours, France, a university town about one hour from Paris. Every day for lunch, I would walk to a neighborhood boulangerie, treat myself to a mini quiche, and then stroll back to class through a maze cobbled streets, relishing every bite while soaking up scenery. I don’t recall a single course I took at that school, but the simple pleasure of eating that quiche is seared into my memory. Quiche…

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Why You Should Visit Berlin canadastock/Shutterstock Berlin is a bustling city with vivid nightlife and rich history. The cultural center has 170 museums to visit and more than 70,000 individual community gardens. Berlin is full of delicious food and some of the world’s best beer. The outdoor spaces are beautiful and the city lends itself to foot exploration. It’s extremely walkable, perfect for taking a stroll on a sunny day! Street art and graffiti make any visit a little more colorful and creative here. At night, Berlin transforms into an awesome party with fun, drinks, and music around every corner. The history…

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It all depends on the number of cans you crack open. If your idea of relaxing at the end of the day involves cracking open a beer, you’re not the only one. According to Statista, in 2021, the U.S. beer industry had around $109 billion in revenue, and, on average, consumers drank about 68 liters (18 gallons) within the year. Compared to other alcoholic beverages, beer is easy to come by in stores due to its low alcohol by volume (ABV); many beers are under 5% ABV, making it sellable in grocery stores in states with strict liquor laws. However, while those low ABV numbers may make…

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Kunsthaus ZürichCourtesy of Zürich TourismusHeimpl. Art lovers should head straight to Kunsthaus Zürich to witness its significant collection of works from the 20th and 21st centuries. In addition to important works from Swiss artists like Alberto Giacometti, the collections include pieces by Picasso, Chagall, Monet, and Munch. A new extension, set to open in 2021, is designed architect David Chipperfield and features a bold geometric design. The museum offers discounted admission to Zurich Card holders. Swiss National Museum (Landesmuseum Zürich)Courtesy of Zürich TourismusMuseumstrasse 2 It’s one-half medieval castle and one-half ultra-modern building, but the Swiss National Museum is all about…

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A staple French stew of fork-tender beef chunks with veggies, in a rich red-wine gravy. Fork-tender beef in a rich red-wine gravy nestled with veggies makes the Beef Bourguignon one of the most acclaimed French recipes around the world. As its name suggests, this beef stew originates from Burgundy (Bourgogne), a French region prized for producing exceptional cattle meat as well as red wine, which are both the star ingredients of this local dish. Beef Bourguignon is rich, earthy and indulgent. It’s simply everything you want in a bowl of Winter comfort food. French slow-cooking at its best Making a Classic French Beef Bourguignon at…

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Find out which kinds of tea are best for fortifying your health while keeping the Grim Reaper at bay. It’s safe to assume that we all aspire to live a long life free of medical complications and the physical and mental anguish that accompanies them. Humankind has always maintained an obsession with preserving youth and uncovering the key to immortality. Minimally, any solution we can use to help us elongate our lives and dodge the Grim Reaper for that much longer often brings a sigh of relief in a world where our instinctual yearning for survival often dictates our decisions.…

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Vienna Starting with the capital Vienna which is full of baroque architecture, palaces, beautiful parks and historical monuments. There are tons of Vienna posts on my website, which tell you the best photography spots, things to do, tips for visiting and more. Grüner See Grüner See is Austria’s Green Lake and is famous for being an incredible colour and having water from snow that melts from the nearby mountains. Read more: Visiting Grüner See – One of Austria’s Most Beautiful Lakes Hallstatt Hallstatt is one of the most popular lakeside villages in Austria and is so famous that the Chinese…

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It’s anticipated that Hawaii’s Instagram-famous Haiku Stairs, which are frequently credited with having the best views in the state, will be taken down the next year. The decision comes from the Honolulu City Council, who spends approximately a quarter-of-a-million dollars each year on security to keep trespassers from hiking the 3,922 steps along Oahu’s Koolau Mountain Range. “Due to rampant illegal trespassing, Haiku Stairs is a significant liability and expense for the city, and impacts the quality of life for nearby residents,” councilmember Ester Kiaaina told Hawaii News Now. Originally installed by the U.S. Navy in the 1940s, the stairs were…

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Watch full bout video highlights from Jake Paul vs. Tommy Fury’s main event duel on Sunday night, courtesy of different sites. Paul vs. Fury took place Feb. 26 at the Diriyah Arena in Riyadh, Saudia Arabia. Jake Paul (6-1) and Tommy Fury (9-0) both brought undefeated records to the main event clash. The fight aired live on ESPN+ pay-per-view. Catch all the video highlights below. Tommy Fury first to enter. He’s out to a custom intro featuring Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Fortunate Son. Jake Paul taking his time…

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Use these tips to turn up the protein power of this fiber-rich breakfast. If you’re looking for a breakfast concept to set yourself up for a successful day, you can’t go wrong with adding protein to your oatmeal. This winning combination is a surefire way to support your overall health while keeping you full and sustaining your energy levels. Plus, with the right mouthwatering recipe, adding protein to your oatmeal can be downright scrumptious, too. Oatmeal is a classic, wholesome, healthy carbohydrate that’s loaded with vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants, quality carbohydrates, and of course, soluble fiber. This breakfast staple can also be super fast and…

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Visit Hawaii Volcanoes National Park At the Big Island’s spectacular volcano park, walk along the floor of Halema’uma’u Crater, peek into the Thurston Lava Tube, and admire steam vents, sulfur slopes, and spouting lava. Learn all about volcanoes and Hawaiian myths surrounding these volatile giants at the Kīlauea Visitor Center. Summit Mauna Kea The tallest mountain in the world below sea level, Mauna Kea is the optimal spot for unmatched stargazing. Astronomers from all over the world collect here to study the universe through some of the clearest atmospheres in the world. Wind up the zigzag road to the summit…

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El búfalo africano es uno de los herƄiʋores más grandes y más extendidos de África. Cuando son cazados por depredadores, una manada se mantendrá unida y dificultará las cosas para los depredadores. El grito de los calʋes llamará la atención de los otros búfalos y de toda la manada. Los búfalos adultos conducirán a las crías hacia el área central y se turnarán para luchar contra el enemigo. Durante este viaje de caza, las hienas se dirigieron a un ternero. Para poder derrotar a la presa, toda la manada de hienas tuvo que utilizar casi todas sus fuerzas cuando hasta 20 miembros participaron…

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The African buffalo is one of the largest and most widespread herbivores in Africa. When hunted by predators, a pack will stick together and make it difficult for predators. The cry of the calves will receive the attention of the mother buffalo and the whole herd. Adult buffaloes will herd calves into the central area and take turns fighting the enemy. During this hunting trip, the hyenas targeted a calf. To be able to defeat the prey, the whole herd of hyenas had to mobilize almost all of their strength when up to 20 members participated in this hunt. However,…

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The Ultimate Fighter (TUF) has been a game changer in the MMA world, giving fans with some of the sport’s most explosive moments. The reality TV show has produced some of the greatest fighters of all time, and TUF season 7 is one of the most memorable seasons to date. Season 7 featured two legends, Rashad Evans and Quinton Jackson, going head-to-head, bringing fans to the edge of their seats. Rashad Evans and Quinton Jackson were two of the biggest names in MMA in their era. They were coaches for TUF season 7 and their rivalry was evident from the first episode. The intensity between the…

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Los feroces leones atacaron al elefante que se había perdido de la manada, saltando sobre su lomo uno a uno y encajándose en el cuerpo de la lastimosa presa con sus dientes y garras. En respuesta a los ataques ƄarƄaricos con los colmillos y las garras de los leones, el elefante también trató de seguir girando para derribar al atacante. Jesse Nash, un periodista de Nueva York que presenció el evento, dijo que vio impotente cómo los leones atacaban al elefante porque no podía evitarlo y no podía “romper las leyes de la naturaleza”. “Sé que esa es la ley…

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The ferocious lions attacked the elephant that was lost from the herd, jumping on its back one by one and biting into the body of the pitiful prey with their teeth and claws. Responding to barbaric attacks with the fangs and claws of the lions, the elephant also tried to continue to rotate to knock the attacker away. Jesse Nash, a journalist in New York who witnessed the event, said he watched helplessly as the lions attacked the elephant because he could not help and could not “break the laws of nature”. “I know that is the law of…

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The TUF 31 season is growing closer by the day. The UFC lightweights Conor McGregor and Michael Chandler are set to face off against each other in order to guide their team to glory at The Ultimate Fighter. Moreover, the filming of TUF 31 has started, but the drama is yet to unfold for the audience. However, Dana White has given a piece of news and update about TUF 31 after UFC Vegas 70. Dana White disclosed the details of his conversation with Michael Chandler to the press. Furthermore, the UFC President shared some insights into previous TUF seasons with ‘Iron Mike’ Michael Chandler cares…

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Fui la última vez que vi en 1969, cuando el padre de familia ha hecho que su hijo florida. Dos mujeres contaron el sᴛυппiпg foυг-fooᴛ loпg cгeaᴛυгe mientras caminaban por las Ocala Naᴛioßal Foßesᴛ, que se extienden a 47 millas de Oгlaпdo. El Florida Fish and Wildlife Coпseгʋaᴛioп Coммissioп’s (FWC) dijo que гaiпƄow sпakes ‘es altamente aqυaᴛic, speпdiпg мosᴛ de su vida hiddeп aмoпg aqυaᴛioᴛa; seldoм seeп, eʋeп Ƅy heгpeᴛologisᴛs, dυe ᴛo theiг cгypᴛic haƄiᴛs.’ Howeʋeг, el oгgaпizaᴛioп specυlaᴛes the гeceпᴛ chaпge iп waᴛeг leʋels of the Rodмaп Reseгʋoiг foгced the sпake oυᴛ of hidiпg. Desplácese hacia abajo para ver el video…

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If you want to bake tender, flavorful fish, then you’ll want to try this fish en papillote. Baked inside a sheet of parchment paper, you can expect a mouthwatering, fork-tender piece of fish on your plate. Whole Fish en Papillote Fish can be a tricky thing to bake because it can tend to overcook very easily, which translates to dry and rubbery fish. Nothing is worse than dry fish! One way to avoid this calamity is to utilize the French method of “en papillote” which literally translates to in paper or in parchment in French. To use this method, you…

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Conor McGregor is often regarded as the most famous fighter in UFC history. McGregor has been out of action since he broke his leg in his fight against Dustin Poirier in 2021. Now, after more than a year, fans are eagerly waiting for his comeback. He has been in the spotlight for his brash personality, incredible fighting skills, and his ability to sell a fight. Conor McGregor has had feuds with many people, both inside and outside the octagon. McGregor has never backed away from taking shots at adversaries. This is exactly what happened recently. Conor McGregor shares old sparring video McGregor recently shared an old…

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Los lagartos мás grandes del aʋión, los dragones de koмodo, tienen una ʋida útil de hasta 30 años. Pueden pesar 70 kg y alcanzar alturas de 10 pies. ¿Cóмo son todos en coмparación con los huмanos? Equiʋalenᴛ ᴛo un hoмbre de 6 pies. Tienen cuerpos enorмes y poderosos y garras y dientes afilados coмo cuchillas. Son indígenas de las islas Iɴᴅᴏɴᴇsɪᴀn de Koмodo, Rinca, Flores y Gili Moᴛang y se encuentran entre los мosᴛ ᴛᴇʀʀɪғʏing depredadores del мundo. Pueden correr a ʋelocidades de hasta 15 мph y aliмentarse de criaturas que tienen un 80% de su taмaño. Teniendo en cuenta que su saliʋa contiene 50 especies…

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The globe is renowned for the amazing cuisine that France produces. In fact, in France, cooking is a professional sport! This alone should be enough of an indicator to tell you how much France values its food. If you would like to know what the 24 best French dishes are, then this article is for you. Whether you physically visit France or decide to make these dishes on your own time, this article will tell you what the best French Food out there is. Traditional French Food We have visited France a number of times and always love sampling different French foods while we are…

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