Archaeology believes that a ‘Chest of Gold’ found in a shipwreck may help solve a 16th-century mystery.

Paul Koudounaris is not a man who shies away from the macabre. Though the Los Angeles-based art historian, author and photographer claims that his fascination with death is…

Altura del respeto: un venerado monje budista chino es momificado y cubierto con pan de oro

El cuerpo de un monje budista muy respetado en China se transformó en una hermosa estatua dorada cuatro años después de su muerte. Fu Hou murió en 2012…

Se descubre escultura de piedra caliza en la zona arqueológica de Oxkintok, Yucatán

Los arqueólogos en la antigua ciudad maya de Oxkintok en México han desenterrado una llamativa estatua sin cabeza. Con unas medidas aproximadas de 1,68 metros (5 pies y…

A ‘Chest of Gold’ discovered in a shipwreck may help solve a mystery from the 16th century, according to archaeology.

More thaп a ceпtυry ago, a Gerмaп treasυre hυпter foυпd a diaмoпd iп the NaмiƄiaп Desert, iп aп area that caмe to Ƅe kпowп as the SperrgeƄiet or…

Peruanos preincaicos pintaron calaveras con pigmentos rojos

Es bien sabido que las culturas antiguas en lo que hoy es Perú deformaban los cráneos de sus bebés para darles formas alargadas. Un nuevo estudio revela que,…

Egipto desde 1290 hasta 1279 aC La momia de este faraón fue enterrada en una tumba especialmente preparada

Perfectamente conservados, los restos de SETI I y los restos de los ataúdes de madera originales fueron descubiertos en un escondite de Deir El-Bahri en 1881. El rostro…

La Tierra ardió en ambos hemisferios por un impacto hace 12.800 años

La hipótesis sugiere un posible mecanismo desencadenante para los cambios abruptos en el clima en ese momento, en particular un rápido enfriamiento en el hemisferio norte, llamado Younger…

From UFOs to JFK: Conspiracy theories are so ‘romanticised’ that believers are willing to ignore factual errors to boost their argument

People are no less likely to believe something just because it has been called a conspiracy theory. Calling a story silly and paranoid does not make people dismiss…

Remains of Five Toddlers Found in Ancient Tombs in Denmark

Five children’s bodies have been found in one ancient burial mound in Denmark. But where are all the others? Archaeology is greatly structured on the discovery and recovery…

Scientists catch real-life Death Star devouring a planet in 1st-of-its-kind discovery

The action 12,000 light-years away may presage what happens to Earth about 5 billion years from now. Astronomers may have for the first time witnessed a sun-like star…

10,000-Year-Old Mesolithic Burial Showed Special Reverence For Infant Girl

Archaeologists and paleoanthropologists exploring a cave in Italy excavated parts of a skeleton that belonged to an infant girl who died approximately 10,000 years ago, in the early…

A new map of 4.4 million galaxies has been unveiled by astronomers!

Astronomers have revealed a stunning new map of the night sky that shows more than 4.4 million galaxies and other space objects, many of which have never been…