Momia amerindia que inspiró la historia de Tintín genera controversia en Bélgica

Tanto el zoológico como el museo afirman poseer el auténtico Rascar Cápac, que fue la portada de una de las aventuras escritas por Hergé. Tintín despierta pasiones y,…

Egypt displays trove of newly discovered ancient artifacts

CAIRO (AP) – Egypt on Monday displayed a trove of ancient artifacts dating back 2,500 years that the country’s antiquities authorities said were recently unearthed at the famed…

Miles de estrellas convirtiéndose en cristales.

La primera evidencia directa de estrellas enanas blancas que se solidifican en cristales ha sido descubierta por los astrónomos, y nuestros cielos están llenos de ellos. Estrella enana…

Paleontologists Find Collagen in 80-Million-Year-Old Brachylophosaurus Fossil

A team of paleontologists led by North Carolina State University researchers has isolated collagen peptides from the fossilized femur of Brachylophosaurus canadensis, a duck-billed dinosaur (hadrosaur) that lived what…

Hatchling of a 54-million-year-old sea turtle reveals ancient sun protection.

An international teaм of paleontologists froм the United States, Sweden, and Japan has retrieʋed original pigмent, Ƅeta-keratin and мuscle proteins froм a hatchling of TasƄacka danica, a species of…

T. rex teeth were found in a giant prehistoric crocodile relative from Madagascar.

Naмed RazanandrongoƄe sakalaʋae, the ancient predatory crocodile had a deep skull and powerful jaws with enorмous serrated teeth that are siмilar in size and shape to those of Tyrannosaurus rex,…

Encuentran en un cajón los misteriosos restos de una familia del siglo XVIII

Encuentran en una caja los misteriosos restos de una familia del siglo XVIII Encontrados en cajas dentro de una iglesia en la ciudad húngara de Vác y analizados…

Hombre de Grauballe: ¿Sacrificio ritual o un misterio de asesinato de 2300 años de antigüedad?

Of the many ancient remains found preserved in bogs and marshes, perhaps the most interesting is the Grauballe man. Discovered in a peat bog in Jutland, Denmark in…

Peru’s alleged mass child sacrifice may have been the largest in the world.

In Peru ‘s coastal plain, archeologists who excavated what is believed to be the world’s largest children’s sacrifice site have extracted the skeletons of 227 young victims. Ever…

Uпiverses Greatest Mysteries aпd Why They are Uпsolved

The υпiverse is shroυded iп mystery. No matter how mυch scieпce υпcovers aboυt the υпiverse, there always seems to be more to discover. What are some of the…

El sistema solar tendrá un segundo Sol

La enana naranja Gliese 710 cruzará las fronteras gravitacionales de nuestro sistema solar dentro de unos 1,3 millones de años, según un informe publicado por los investigadores de…

Giant Prehistoric Crocodile Relative from Madagascar Had T. rex Teeth

Named Razanandrongobe sakalavae, the ancient predatory crocodile had a deep skull and powerful jaws with enormous serrated teeth that are similar in size and shape to those of Tyrannosaurus rex,…