Author: Y M

Dos serpientes, de 32 y 25 kilogramos, acabaron con la tranquilidad de una casa. Los gigantes animales entraron a la residencia por el techo, pero en principio los ruidos no merecieron atención, solo hasta el día siguiente se alertaron. La joven de Malasia que dormía en la habitación notó bastante arena sobre su cama y velos durante el domingo. Además, vio una grieta que se asomaba tímida en el techo. Como no entendía qué sucedía, limpió las prendas que se habían ensuciado. “Después de eso, mi hija en la tarde se sentó en mi habitación. No estuvo en su cuarto porque había…

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Los rescatistas en Turquía y Siria siguen haciendo su mayor esfuerzo para encontrar sobrevivientes entre los escombros que dejó un terremoto que golpeó el territorio el pasado 6 de febrero y que ya deja un saldo de más de 36 mil fallecidos. Entre las ruinas se han conocido conmovedoras historias de locales que han resistido a la adversidad del hecho. Ese fue el caso de un perrito que le llevó pan a su dueño enterrado entre los escombros de su casa. El hecho ya es viral en las redes sociales y ha conmovido a miles de internautas, quienes, sorprendidos, han dejado sus reacciones…

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Una zarigüeya se cruzó por la cancha de fútbol del partido entre Criciúma y Londrina, de la serie B, en Brasil. El hecho sucedió en el estadio Heriberto Hüsle durante el segundo tiempo y sorprendió a los asistentes y jugadores. La situación llevó a que el árbitro suspendiera el encuentro. Varios jugadores ayudaron a que el animal saliera del lugar con aplausos y sonidos. Vea aquí el momento: El video se volvió viral y fue compartido por miles de usuarios en redes sociales. El partido terminó 1-0 a favor de Criciúma, con gol de Gabril Marquinhos.

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When this ρσσr baby was finally rescued, he was sσ sicƙly that he hardly resembled a dσg, writes ilσνemydσgsσmuch Tσ say he was sƙin and bσnes is a νast understatement. He was sσ malnσurished and anemic that standing uρ was difficult. He was beyσnd exhausted and ƙeeρing his eyes σρen was hardly ρσssible. Saνing this dσg’s life wσuld be tσuch and gσ but his rescuers were nσt giνing uρ σn him. The νet staff gaνe the dσg blσσd transfusiσns and I.ν. nutritiσn. His bσdy was sσrely lacƙing essential nutrients as well as irσn. His rescuer ƙnew that his cσnditiσn was…

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We are witnessing a heartbreaƙing stσry. The mσther dσg gave birth tσ 10 ρuρρies under the cσld snσw. Here, everything is cσvered with snσw. The ρuρρies are frσzen. If they are nσt rescued, they will nσt survive. The ρuρρies were crying, we cσuldn’t hσld bacƙ the tears σf grief. All are very weaƙ, they have just given birth a few days. 10 ρuρρies have been brσught hσme, they need tσ be warmed uρ. They have started drinƙing milƙ, thanƙ Gσd everything is fine. The ρuρρies have ρσσρed, a ρσsitive sign that we are delighted with.

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Anne Hathaway looked in great spirits as she smiled brightly on the set of her new miniseries, based on the podcast WeCrashed: The Rise and Fall of WeWork. While rocking a ‘Good Karma’ t-shirt and a pair of light-wash jeans with a single rip on the left knee, the 38-year-old looked looked like her bubbly self as she prepared for a day of shooting. She completed her trendy look with her trademark oversized sunglasses and a black leather booties with a chunky heel. Beaming: Anne Hathaway looked in great spirits as she smiled brightly on the set of her new miniseries, based…

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Anne Hathaway looked nearly unrecognizable while rocking a blonde wig on the set of her upcoming crime drama Eileen in New Jersey on Monday. While she is known for her trademark brunette hair, the 39-year-old Oscar winner underwent the hair transformation to portray an ‘unhappy’ young woman, who takes a job as a secretary at the boys prison. Her character, from Ottessa Moshfegh’s debut novel, ‘fills her nights and weekends with shoplifting, stalking a buff prison guard named Randy, and cleaning up her alcoholic father’s messes, according to Good Reads. Hair transformation: Anne Hathaway looked nearly unrecognizable while rocking a blonde wig on the set of her…

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Too early for coffee? A thieving Lion enters a tent and steals a sleeping bag after interrupting the campers’ morning coffee. Thieving Lion steals sleeping bag 44-year-old wildlife photographer Robert Hofmeyr and brother-in-law Andrew Caldwell had the sighting of their life in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. They shared their incredibly special moment with Robert and Andy do frequent exhibitions to film wildlife in Africa and produce amusing, and sometimes informative behind-the-scenes videos. “We spent the first night of our safari camping in Mabuasehube. We woke before the crack of dawn and began our preparations for the long day ahead. Brushing our teeth…

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Ever wondered why it’s called a “Murder of Crows”? A mother warthog learns the hard way when 3 of her piglets get terminated by crows. Crow Eats Warthog Alive 83-year-old retired secretary Mavis Crundwell was on a solo safari in the Pilanesberg national park. She stumbled across a sight that left her stunned. A murder of crows having a go at warthog piglets with their protective mom trying to save her young. She shared her sighting with the Latest Sightings Pilanesberg WhatsApp group. Mavis shares her unusual story with “Upon leaving Pilanesberg Centre at 1:30 PM. I noticed a Pied Crow pecking…

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After a hunt went wrong for the Nkuhuma lion pride, there was drama as a herd of buffaloes trample one of the old Northern Avoca Male Lions and leave him battered and bruised. Buffaloes trample old lion 24-year-old field guide Deon Kelbrick was witness to the potential fall of an empire when he and guests from Nkorho Bush lodge were out on a morning safari in the Sabi Sands Game Reserve. Deon tinged and shared this heartbreaking sighting with “In the early hours of Wednesday morning, my guests and I set out in search of Africa’s iconic lions. Soon after leaving the comfort of the…

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A pack of wild dogs manage to catch 2 baby buffaloes during a stampede and a battle for survival ensues. This amazing sighting took place in the Lower Zambezi National Park in Zambia. Wild dogs are often dubbed “piranhas on land” as they rip their prey to shreds, while it still tries to evade them. Despite being one of the most endangered predators in Africa, they are highly successful at hunting. Hunting as a pack, they exhaust their prey and start taking their prey apart as soon as the first member reaches the target. Wild dogs do not commonly catch…

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Un hombre vivió un angustiante momento cuando se acercó más de lo permitido al recinto de un orangután el pasado lunes 6 de junio. Hasan Arifin, el protagonista de esta historia, cruzó una línea de seguridad y se enfrentó a un animal que se negaba a soltarlo. El hecho ocurrió en un zoológico de Indonesia llamado Kasang Kulim. Y aunque el suceso no pasó a mayores, sí quedó registrado en un video que le dio la vuelta al mundo y ha generado miles de reacciones. Según se logra ver en el metraje, Arifin se acerca a la jaula del animal y le…

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Las fuertes lluvias han causado emergencias en varias zonas del país y por estos días un trabajo de rescate se adelantó en Medellín. De acuerdo con información de la Autoridad ambiental urbana y de transporte público metropolitano en Medellín y el Valle de Aburrá, dos vacas estaban en riesgo luego de aparecer en las aguas del río Aburrá-Medellín que atraviesa la ciudad. Según las autoridades, las causas del ingreso de los dos animales están por establecerse.”El primer caso ocurrió hacia las 10 de la mañana, cuando justamente se presentaban precipitaciones en los municipios, lo que podía poner en riesgo la vida del animal,…

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Aunque se tiene la creencia popular de que los perros de raza grande, como los pitbull o rottweiler, son peligrosos y no pueden convivir con niños, el canino gigante Barney es todo lo contrario. Oriundo de Melbourne, Australia, convive en un hogar familiar con sus dos hermanas humanas. Barney es un mastín sudafricano de dos años y medio, que se hizo famoso en redes sociales gracias a su dueño, el australiano Phil Smith, quien publicó unas fotos del animal y sus hijas, Winnie y Maise, en su cuenta de Facebook. Según el portal web especializado ‘Mastiff Guide’, los mastines sudafricanos, en…

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A herd of wildebeest drink water at the Gezantombi Waterhole and one unlucky calf is grabbed by a crocodile. A second massive crocodile arrived on the scene and snatched the struggling wildebeest out of the jaws of the smaller croc. Monster crocodile hones in on helpless wildebeest 22-year-old twins Nicole Cromme and Alex Cromme were on safari in the Kruger National Park. Driving along the main road from crocodile bridge to Lower Sabie camp, they witnessed a once-in-a-lifetime sighting. The twins shared their experience with “We were overlooking the dam when we noticed a crocodile move into the water. We…

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Leopards are elusive predators that roam the savannahs and mountains of Africa. These rosseted cats are sought after by many wildlife lovers, photographers, and enthusiasts. Is there an animal that is more sought after when going on safari? Black Panther Drops Kill When it Sees Normal Leopard What is better than a leopard, one may ask? The answer is a BLACK LEOPARD. Yes, a black leopard, this creature exists. Nature guide Shaheen Patel from Legend Safaris and his guests are among the few fortunate people to have seen this mythical ghost of the night. The incredible moment was captured on camera and shared with…

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A jaguar who decided to cool off with a drink from a Brazilian river went back with more than it bargained for as it picked up a crocodile for lunch. The moment the mighty 220lb cat took down a crocodile was been captured by an astonished passer-by. Action shots by local Luiz Claudio show the Brazillian jaguar drinking at the water’s edge before slinking across and attacking the smaller predator before seemingly dragging it off to eat. .

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A rare scene of cannibalism was recorded in Florida. It’s a gator-eat-gator world at least in Florida, where a large American alligator was videotaped this week chowing down on a smaller member of its own species. The grisly encounter was recorded by Alex Figueroa at Circle B Bar Reserve in Lakeland on April 13. The larger gator was 11 to 12 feet (3.3 to 3.7 meters) long, Figueroa estimated. Although he has never seen such cannibalistic behavior in person, it is not unheard of in alligators, says Christopher Brochu, a professor at the University of Iowa who studies crocodilians. “Gators are very opportunistic and will eat whatever they can find;…

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When it comes to fighting for your food, a snouted cobra is a tough target. Just look at this rarely witnessed skirmish between one of the venomous snakes and an avian assailant, the aptly named brown snake eagle. The incredible footage was taken by tourists Matthew McCreesh and Catherine van Eyk during a visit to South Africa’s Kruger National Park. The pair first spotted the eagle rustling about in nearby bush, talons firmly gripping the snake’s head. “I’m so glad we managed to see this before we left,” van Eyk told Latest Sightings, who uploaded the video to YouTube. “We actually thought the snake was dead in the beginning…

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The clouded leopard is one of the most secretive and elusive animals in the world, so spotting these majestic feline in the wild is nearly impossible. Their very own way to keep a low profile and the habitat they live in, make these wild cats extremely difficult to encounter. Nevertheless, a group of of researchers have recently caught on camera this highly elusive wild cat in places they have never thought it would be possible – at a very high altitude in the Himalayan forest. This is the highest altitude ever reported where a clouded leopard was spotted. WPSI/Thanamir Village…

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It is always heartbreaking to see an animal kept in a cage, let alone a majestic lion. But sadly, there are still so many circuses around the world, where these magnificent wild cats are forced to live that way. For two of them, it all came to an end, after a devoted team managed to rescue them and offer them the chance to roam freely. The moment the two lions touch grass for the very first time is nothing short of emotional. For over eight years, Tarzan and Tanya have been forced to live a miserable life as part of…

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Un extraño caso sacude a la India luego de que se reportó que un elefante mató a una mujer y horas después apareció mientras su familia la acompañaba en la funeraria.El ataque ocurrió mientras la mujer, llamada Maya Murmu, estaba recogiendo agua de un pozo en la aldea Raipal, del distrito de Mayurbhanj en el estado de Odisha. Murmu, de 70 años, fue atropellada por el animal y posteriormente llevada a un hospital donde murió a causa de las heridas. Las investigaciones de las autoridades indicaron que el animal llegó hasta la aldea por error. El elefante se había escapado del santuario…

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En el criadero de ganado de la familia Giraudo, ubicado cerca de la localidad cordobesa de La Palestina, Argentina, nació un ternero con dos cabezas. Así lo informó el sitio web especializado ‘TodoLechería’. En el establecimiento de los Giraudo, se producen más de 12.000 litros de leche por día y su industria ha venido creciendo aceleradamente, por lo que cuidan de muchos bovinos todo el tiempo. Sin embargo, el caso de este ternero fue excepcional. Según informó el medio, el parto fue muy difícil para operarios del establecimiento, quienes querían mantenerlo a salvo. Sin embargo, el animal murió a los pocos minutos de…

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